Now you have your Grant

If you require assistance using the portal, please contact the grants team on 0800 00 11 37, we are here to help.

Stage 3: What to do once a decision has been made?

  1. A decision has been made about my application

When the Central Lakes Trustees have made their decision you will be advised by phone and email from the grants team. You will find the details of the decision in the Active section of the grants menu, where a PDF copy of the decision letter will be available in the grant documents section.

2. I want to view an application for an old grant

When a grant has been fully paid and all requirements are met, a read-only version will be available to view under Closed in the grants menu.

3. Our application was declined

You can view a read-only version of a withdrawn or declined application by selecting Withdrawn or Declined from the Requests menu. To find out more about why some applications are declined please read our FAQ’s.